Tuesday, August 06, 2024

party of decency

News is coming out that Kamala's hubby banged his first wife's daughter's nanny. You could point out that the hubby's conduct is irrelevant to Kamala's character, and I'd agree. But can we also agree that it's not exactly a good look? She chose to marry this guy.

As for Kamala's own past, look no further:

That second video's thumbnail sure looks as if she's with an older Carl Weathers, God rest his soul. (As you either know or have guessed, it's really Willie Brown, Speaker of the California Assembly at the time of his relationship with Kamala. Slurp-slurp.) I'd like to think that Weathers had better taste in women. Montel Williams (see the video) apparently doesn't.

We're lucky that Kamala has left such a trail of destruction behind her. Here's hoping Trump doesn't fuck things up during their debate.

Meanwhile, Styx sees this "scandal" and says, "Who cares?"

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