Monday, August 05, 2024

taking us for suckers

Didn't like Trump's foreign policy? How're you liking Biden's?


The World Is on Fire Thanks to the Biden-Harris Regime

When President Donald Trump left office, there was peace throughout the world. Today, there are ongoing wars in several regions of the world[,] and other conflicts could escalate into war at any time.

While Trump was [p]resident, Russia did not invade any countries, in contrast to what happened during the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.

Obviously, Russian President Vladimir Putin noticed a vast difference once Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took over. Immediately, the United States military made a dramatic turn towards woke policies, which contributed to a huge decline in recruitment.

In August of 2021, the United States demonstrated tremendous weakness during the withdrawal of our military forces from Afghanistan. The debacle resulted in the death of 13 American military heroes and billions of dollars in military equipment left behind for the use of the Taliban terrorist regime.

In addition, Biden and Harris abandoned the massive Bagram air base in Afghanistan. The base featured a 12,000-foot runway, a 50-room hospital, and 100 parking spots for fighter jets. In their haste to depart the facility, the United States military left behind 3.5 million items, including armored vehicles, weapons, and ammunition.

Since our humiliating withdrawal, the Biden/Harris administration has rewarded the Taliban terrorists by sending $239 million in grants to “fake nonprofits” created to scam American taxpayers. According to a report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, the funds were sent by the Biden/Harris State Department to 29 phony Taliban organizations.

While the Biden/Harris administration displayed such impotence and rewarded our enemies, Putin decided to invade Ukraine in 2022. Sadly, the bloody war is still raging.

Although Russia faced sanctions due to its invasion, both China and North Korea have shown steadfast support. During the Trump administration, China was reeling from severe tariffs and tough trade deals. During the Biden/Harris administration, China once again started to aggressively threaten Taiwan and display military adventurism throughout Asia.

Read the rest. I'd like a return to semi-sanity.

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