Monday, August 05, 2024

are things really worse for blacks now compared to the 1950s?

There are a few replies to the wild-eyed claim that things are worse for blacks now than back before the Civil Rights Era took off. One is the obvious reply that that's just ridiculous: things are, generally speaking, materially better for everyone compared to decades ago, even if blacks do lag behind in several important metrics.

Another reply is a judo flip: let's assume things really are worse now. If that's so, let's ask ourselves first where most blacks live. Next, let's ask ourselves who runs those places. The topic of worsening quality of life and systemic racism came up recently on an episode of Bill Maher's show, prompting Maher and Ben Shapiro (neither of whom is my favorite person) to gang up on the complainant and set the record straight. Vince Dao comments:

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