Friday, August 09, 2024

what the hell, man?

My BP is way up this morning: 134/116. Far too high. I guess the curcumin tablets and turmeric powder last night didn't help at all. Or maybe something else is going on right now. We'll see how things are later today.

Blood sugar's not horrible at 106. According to that online formula I found for converting fasting glucose to A1c, you just need to maintain a 110 to have an A1c of around 5.5. I'm getting there. Normally, on mornings after fasting days, my BS is in the 90s, or even sometimes in the high 80s. This morning is one of those days, but I broke my fast last night, snacking on a small wheel of Camembert, eating a handful of nuts, and drinking a half-size smoothie (Bocha Sweet sweetener, cocoa powder, milk, heavy cream). I wonder whether the nighttime eating threw me off somehow. The snacking has to stop: I have to remain disciplined on fasting days and take the fast to the following morning. Well, I'll be fasting all weekend, so there are more chances to try to show some character.

1 comment:

  1. When you fall off the bike, you get back on and keep riding. You are much more disciplined than I am; you've got this!



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