Sunday, September 01, 2024

bye bye, David

I assume David has taken off by now. His plane, United Flight 892 to San Francisco, was delayed several times, and David texted me from inside the waiting plane. He didn't respond to my latest texts, though, so I'm hopeful that he's in the air and safe. I rode with David in his taxi all the way to the airport, then took the limousine bus back. This was also practice for how I'm going to handle Mike's arrival this coming Saturday. I discovered that stepping off the bus at Gaepo is no good: despite being only a couple blocks away, I waited and waited for a taxi to my apartment, and none came. Better to get off at Daechi Station and just take the subway two stops. Anyway, today, I got off at Gaepo-dong, waited in vain for a taxi, then walked the couple of blocks back to my place. The sun was bright and hot; I ended up feeling bit faint, but I made it back to my place by walking slowly and steadily.

David goes back to his faithful dog Penny, and to his New Mexico domicile, where he's remote-working for Hager Sharp, the PR company he's been with for 25(!) years. I hope to hit the States next year, visiting him and Sean and Mike, which will mean going between Chicago, New Mexico, and northern Virginia. Lots of traveling. And at some point, I need to go back to France: my French "parents" aren't getting any younger: Papa is close to 90.

Anyway, it was good to see my brothers and Jeff again; David and Sean both complimented my boss for his proactive handling of the situation, which included keeping my #3 Ajumma in the loop. I'll need to see her at some point, too—maybe this week before I see Mike.

Nothing like a heart attack to enliven your social calendar, eh?

I wish Sean and David the best as they pursue their careers. I'm thankful they dropped everything to be with me during the worst of this crisis, and I hope not to drop any more crises on them anytime soon. For me, meanwhile, it's looking as though the best way to avoid heart attacks and strokes is just not to eat at all since it appears that food is deigned to kill me.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you've had many reminders recently of how much you mean to your family and friends. That's the kind of comfort that money can't buy.

    One of the things I love and miss about Seoul is the transportation network options. Riding that bullet train from the airport to Seoul Station, grabbing the subway to Itaewon, and then taking a short cab ride home made travel so easy. These days, if I have to go to Manila for a flight, I make other plans.



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