Sunday, March 16, 2025

the national mood makes this plausible

One comment I saw said:

With voter ID and paper ballots, Democrats will never win again.

Another commenter said:

They're [Democrats are] going to have a total meltdown, which won't be a good look as most people want honest elections. This is going to be lit! LOL!!!

Well, saying will never win again may be a bit extreme—politics is eternally pendular—but Democrats wouldn't win for a while. Eventually, though, they'd be back in office, especially after another Democrat-Republican role reversal on principles (the current extreme left has none, but middle-of-the-road Democrats do... I think).

1 comment:

  1. I think that's a great idea! I'm pretty sure election day holidays are a common practice worldwide. Alcohol sales are banned on election day in the Philippines, but non-voting foreigners are allowed to imbibe.



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