Tuesday, October 11, 2011

a possible translation project

If I have time, I want to translate this article into English:

FANTASME AMÉRICAN [sic]: Le mythe de l’Europe islamisée

A en croire une série de best-sellers parus récemment aux Etats-Unis, le Vieux Continent, en crise d’identité, est en passe d’être submergé par sa population musulmane. Une théorie simpliste, réplique l’essayiste Pankaj Mishra.

AMERICAN FANTASY: The Myth of an Islamicized* Europe

If one were to believe a series of bestsellers that have recently appeared in the US, the Old Continent, in an identity crisis, is on its way to being submerged by its Muslim population. A simplistic theory, retorts essayist Pankaj Mishra.

If you already read French, go for it.

*This locution is, admittedly, slightly less common than "Islamized."


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