Monday, October 17, 2011

me, elsewhere

An article I just wrote for my tutoring blog: on writing logically and clearly.



  1. Great post.

    The Zizek passage breaks down for me at the second ellipsis, with "Isn't it also possible..." I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about after that (probably compounded by my unfamiliarity with the phrase "Other Scene").

  2. I think that, even if we factor in the notion that Zizek's target readership is likely familiar with such terminology as "the Other Scene," we're still left with at least one enormous leap in logic. Like you, I saw the breakdown at the second ellipsis as well.

    I'm still trying to figure out why those ellipses are there in the passage. At the end of that chapter, there's a note saying that Zizek's article was originally presented as a paper at an international symposium in Karlsruhe, Germany. It could be that the revised article has some lacunae.

    Karlsruhe! The Peace of Charles!



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