Monday, June 13, 2016

Ave, Malcolm!

Malcolm Pollack and I might have our disagreements about who can/should use which public restrooms, but we're in full agreement about the horrific Orlando massacre, and about where the focus should be.

SIDE NOTE: I saw this comment on Instapundit, but found it inaccurate on at least one point: "Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem." Very untrue, according to one of my Sikh students back when I taught at YB: Sikhs have often been oppressed and persecuted by Hindus—in India, at least. Another reason for me to like Sikhs as much as I do.



  1. I don't blame Islam here. I blame Zionism. After all, it was the Zionist neocons who kicked a Middle Eastern hornets' nest back in 2003, and we have been suffering the blowback ever since.

    Meanwhile, Obama offers us sanctimonious speeches about "gun violence," while selling shiploads of guns and other weapons to authoritarian regimes like Saudi Arabia (which in turn has practically destroyed Yemen with those same armaments). And he won't mention "radical Islam" because by destabilizing the al-Assad regime, he directly aided and abetted the rise of Isis, which is to say radical Islam, in Syria and well beyond.

    Only by surgically removing the cancerous influence of Zionism upon US foreign policy will we begin to manage the kind of blowback we have seen in Orlando. And clearly the "salad bowl" model of multiculturalism in the US needs some rethinking as well.

    Since Hillary Clinton is herself a shameless neocon surrounded by Zionist advisors, and is counting on a "salad-bowl coalition" to propel her to the White House, don't expect her to be part of the solution, folks.

  2. Someone else left a comment, but I didn't publish it because that person didn't have the courage to leave a name or screen name. Per my comments policy, I only publish comments to which people have appended an identifier.

    Take responsibility for what you say.

  3. And was it Zionist neocons who caused the "blowback" in Iberia from the eighth century until the fifteenth? And the sieges of Vienna?

    It's a fool's errand, and a self-destructive delusion, to pin Islam's antipathy toward every living infidel on any particular provocation. It is innate and perpetual -- or, as the saying goes, it's "baked right in". Since the earliest expansion of Islam, the ulama have called the yet-unsubjugated portions of the planet the "House of War". Nothing has changed. Nor will it.

    Kevin, I admire the Sikhs myself. They are proud and intelligent and loyal and fierce, and do not seek to impose their beliefs on others.



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