Monday, November 27, 2023

is it racist to realize you need to preserve your culture?

People listen to or ignore the lessons of history. If there's any country to which the phrase lessons of history applies, it's Poland, which has seen its share of hardship. How has Poland remained relatively peaceful and terrorism-free in recent years? By not allowing Muslims to immigrate. Is this racist? Some will continue to think so (despite Islam's being a religion), but why should Poland care what others think of its national policy? The Dave Rubin video below harks back to an older 2018 video, in which the infamous Cathy Newman (who got owned by Jordan Peterson some years back) grills Polish parliamentarian Dominik Tarczyński about how Poland is being selective in the refugees it's taking in. Tarczyński makes no apologies:

Of course, if you can't figure out what your culture even is, then you're going to have a hard time preserving it. Conversely, it may be enough to figure out what your culture isn't, then screen out potential immigrants that way. I've already offered, several times, the yearning to be free metric for figuring out the immigration problem in the US. It's a question of whether incoming immigrants share values like freedom of movement, assembly, exchange of ideas, expression, etc. If they don't, then they shouldn't be welcome. Muslims, taken as a whole, don't seem to share these values at all; they make American religious conservatives look milquetoast in comparison. Are there exceptions in the Muslim community? Yes. But you have to draw the bright line somewhere, and at this point in history, knowing what we now know about Muslim populations in general, I think Poland has it right.

Keep the toxicity out. There's enough native toxicity as it is.

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