Thursday, November 30, 2023

oh, you cheeky monkey

Stop that. Stop!



John Mac said...

Thanks to you, I've learned a new word this morning: dendrophilia. Personally, I limit my love of trees to photos and an occasional hug, but I'm not one to judge those who crave the knot holes.

Kevin Kim said...

Hey, if a post of mine inspired you to expand your vocabulary, that's awesome. I assume you looked up something like "perverse love of trees" or "unhealthy love of trees," but you should know that, one day, my kind will be as widely accepted as those kidfuckers, the MAPs (minor-attracted people). Mmm. Knotholes.

John Mac said...

And now you just made me laugh out loud. Well done! Just be sure to wear protection; those splinters can be a bitch. Or so I've been told.