Monday, January 22, 2024

is COVID accountability too much to ask for?

Russell Brand: "The pandemic was a revelation."


John Mac said...

Yeah, more confirmation of what many of us knew but were not allowed to express. The big question in my mind now is whether the rank and file have learned from this experience and will not be fooled again. Sadly, I think far too many of our brothers and sisters are comfortable wearing sheep's clothing.

How do you upload a Rumble video? I can open a YouTube video and get the URL, but I don't see how to do that with this one.

And man, I agree with Brand, but he talks so damn fast, and with that accent, he's hard for me to understand sometimes.

Kevin Kim said...

You can upload (well, display) a Rumble video by looking beneath the video image, on the bottom right, and you'll see a button that says "embed." Click on that. What comes up next is a window with several boxes. I just copy the HTML code from the top (biggest) box and paste it right into the HTML of my blog post (I can see my blog post as either regular WYSIWYG—what you see is what you get—or as HTML). I surround the code with "center" tags (you don't really need to do this), and that's that.