Monday, January 22, 2024

Poland news from January 14

Things are going crazy in Poland, with demonstrations against a majority pro-EU government:

The comments below the video are telling:

Stand strong, Poland. EU elitists wouldn't care if they laid waste to you. You must choose your destiny, not Brussels.

Notice how the EU and our pro-EU supporters in the UK and media are quiet about what is happening in Poland.

I love Poland. It is one of the few countries in Europe to oppose Islam. See the danger in the European countries who embraced Islam—only MASSIVE problems. The ones who oppose jihad and Islam are doing fine. GOD BLESS POLAND!!!!

That's the European union. It's not about democracy: it's about total rule and nothing less.

Good for Poland! Everyone deserves to feel free and comfortable in their own country without compromising or assimilating to others' religion or culture. They're the guests in your country; they have to assimilate to your culture, etc.


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