Sunday, January 21, 2024

Nikki, Nikki, Nikki

Styx on Nikki's infidelities (old news, and they're not the point):

Liberal Hivemind on how the media prop up Nikki Haley ("astroturfing") and how self-contradictory she is:

So I got the criticism that it's inconsistent to ding Haley while not also dinging Trump for moral failings. The above video, right here, has a good reply to that. I would add that most of Trump's "moral failings" have turned out to be artifacts of a rabid, wild-eyed media intent on constantly attacking him, even if that means manufacturing a load of bullshit. Trump was impeached twice—nothingburger. He went through at least three Democrat-led investigations about Russiagate, Pissgate, etc.—nothingburger. The biased media tried to nail him for tax fraud (that whole MSNBC thing with Rachel Maddow)—nothingburger. Supposed associations with Epstein—nothingburger. So please provide a list of Trump's moral failings other than the ones I myself have talked about on this blog:

• inability to admit error
• inability to pick reliable staff
• inordinate love of sycophants
• sexism (a charge I agree with)
• Stormy Daniels

Trump is not perfect, and as others have said, he has undoubtedly done some dirty dealing as a businessman, pre-White House. But unlike Nikki Haley, he now has a track record as president, so he'll inevitably be judged by different standards. This can't be helped. As the above video points out, Haley is at pains to make herself look consistent and squeaky clean, but the point of the video is to show that she is neither. Trump, meanwhile, is a loudmouthed New York asshole who treats women as commodities, but he also has national priorities that I happen to agree with re: fiscal responsibility, the size of the government, border security, kid-grooming, and a raft of other issues. Is he verbally injudicious? Sure. Should I not vote for him because of his "mean tweets"? Dream on. I don't like the man on a personal level, but I'll take him as a leader for now—until someone better comes along. In the meantime, I hope the other side is happy with superstar Joe Biden.

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