Sunday, March 31, 2024

Styx on Biden

Some of these video titles are hilarious. Do me a favor and really watch them instead of dismissing them.

Joe Biden is Melting Down and Losing His Marbles:

The Biden Administration is a Threat to Democracy:

The Biden Border Crisis on Full Display in El Paso:

He's an incompetent, law-breaking shit. And all this gets projected onto Trump.

1 comment:

John Mac said...

I've queued them up for viewing, but I fear you are just preaching to the choir here. The people who need to watch these won't; if they did, they would reject the message.

My otherwise intelligent nephew, Justin, is a good example. He posted a cartoon on Facebook the other day showing a soldier on D-Day with the caption "Fighting Fascism in 1944." The next panel showed the aged soldier in a wheelchair voting against the GOP, captioned "Fighting Fascism in 2024." He has been so indoctrinated and brainwashed that he doesn't know what fascism is, and he can't see the fascist tools being implemented by Biden's DOJ and FBI. It is honestly scary to realize people have stopped thinking for themselves and blindly accept the dogma of the left religiously.