Friday, January 17, 2025

final numbers

I'll have a new set of numbers when I go to the hospital this morning (weight, BP, pulse, A1c); I might or might not remember to slap them up here. In the meantime, my "final" numbers before today's hospital visit are:

blood sugar: 87 (up from yesterday's 72, but still OK)
BP: 117/74 (OK)
weight: 109.5 kg (need to lose another 20 kg)
estimated A1c: 6.85 (probably higher at the hospital)
pulse-ox: 99
pulse: 72

I walked only 5K last night—just some laps around the local park. I wonder whether the shorter walk factored into my higher blood-sugar number this morning. Hm. Still, 87 is well below 100. Things like BP, pulse-ox, and pulse vary literally second by second (making them untrustworthy unless you look at trends), so the best I can say is that my BP has been normal to slightly high over the past few months; my pulse-ox is always in the 96-99 region; and my pulse is almost always in the high-60s to mid-70s region.

Wish me luck!

UPDATE: my urine sample was a fiasco. I don't know why, but I could only pee out a little into the sample cup. You're normally supposed to fill the cup at least halfway, but I barely managed a quarter. I bought a bottle of water, drank it down, waited 25 minutes, and tried again. I was barely able to add a few extra milliliters of urine. Hmph. Anyway, that's all I've got, so that's what I turned in. (There's a urine-sample window in the men's room by the blood-sample area.) I wonder why I'm dry today. Pissed too much last night or this morning? Who knows?

BP: 126/66 (maybe diastolic was 76)
HR: 75

Didn't see what my weight was, but since I had clothes on, it's undoubtedly a kilogram too heavy. UPDATE: 110 kg, with an A1c of 7.2.

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