Tuesday, January 14, 2025

phone "repair"

I took my phone to the local Samsung place to get it repaired. The damage was mostly to the plastic slip cover that's stuck to the surface of the screen, but there's just a teeny, tiny bit of damage to the screen itself, causing a minuscule point of discoloration. The repairman said he would just change the slip cover (for a cool W14,000, which I guess includes labor), and that the screen itself was still functional. So on the good side, I've avoided the over $100 charge to have the screen replaced (this happened once before, when I fell during a walk and injured myself), but on the bad side, the tiny discoloration might prove annoying, so I might have to go back and see about getting the screen replaced. Of course, I see teens and twentysomethings with cracked screens all the time, so maybe there's a societal expectation that I shouldn't be bothered by the tiny amount of damage. Anyway, the phone's screen looks cleaner, at least. I suppose it's been "repaired."

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