Monday, March 24, 2025

another Johnny Somali roundup

Not necessarily the latest news, but it's hard to keep up:

Asmongold reacts.

The "unhinged" police call.

Now wanted by Korean police.

Johnny Somali finds out he will get consequences.

Johnny Somali, what they call an "IRL streamer" or "nuisance streamer" (IRL = in real life)—i.e., someone who goes around with a camera, filming himself doing obnoxious and offensive things to get reactions (including being beaten up and/or arrested)—was initially charged with 4-5 acts of varying levels of criminality. He is not being allowed to leave Korea, but last I heard, he hasn't been arrested: it's more that he's being tracked (I believe he's shacking up with a Korean buddy, even wearing the buddy's oversized suit to court). Johnny is supposedly not being allowed to earn money, but he keeps changing streaming services, so it's possible he's got some money trickling in. We're at the stage where Somali (who is not really Somali; he's apparently American and named Ramsey Khalid Ismail) has to appear in court; he's already pled guilty to the original slate of several charges, banking on the idea that he will merely be deported, i.e., free to become a nuisance in another unsuspecting country after paying a nominal fine. But Korea, unlike Israel and Japan before it, has decided to detain and try Johnny who, while not being arrested, is not allowed to leave the country. Johnny has cases in both eastern and western districts of Seoul; the lawyer/vlogger Legal Mindset (not Korean-fluent) has been following his case with the help of native-Korean sources. Since the court sessions started, Johnny has continued his racist, offensive behavior, and he's got one or two more charges. I'd love to just fast-forward to the sentencing. Korean jurisprudence, as I know from personal experience after a year and a half in court way back in the 90s, is painstakingly, annoyingly slow. This is going to drag out.

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