Tuesday, March 25, 2025

I'm in Virginia

There's a lot to talk about regarding my trip over to the States, but not now. Now, I'm dead tired, and I'm waking up in just a few hours to (1) visit the local bank, (2) pick up Mike's printed-out lease agreement, (3) visit Enterprise Rent-a-Car to pick up my car, and (3) drive out to my hotel in time for my 8:15 a.m. appointment with the hags at the Front Royal DMV branch. Yay.

More later once I'm in my hotel and have had a decent meal. (Oh, yeah—I carbed up on the plane after all of that starving. And there's more carbing to come. I do have to be careful, though, so as not to kill myself.)


  1. It would be rather anticlimactic if you killed yourself now.

  2. Glad you made it safe. Looking forward to the low-down.



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