Friday, March 21, 2025


cordate (and where does the hyphen go?)

I no longer remember what we were talking about.

If only. And liberal Lisa Simpson would never cheer that.

Let's impeach our stick-in-the-mud judges, then.

Without double standards...

Periods where needed. De-capitalize government.

So, that's where it went.

More to come, I hope. Take a flamethrower to all of it.

Have I ever told you how much I fucking hate opossums? Shoot on sight.

Keep churning out the dirt. Let's see it all. And do something about it (Bondi!).

I'm sure Ilhan Omar is just swell. Which is what her brother does when he sees her.

Like every Buddhist temple I've ever visited.

UK: cocaine-fuelled sex. US: cocaine-fueled sex. The Guardian is UK, of course. And very leftie.

Get more foreign countries involved! And did Musk really say he'd meet the guy personally?

Shoulda' left twenty years ago, but these barnacles continue well past their sell-by date.

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