Sunday, March 23, 2025


Here's hoping a President Vance will only bring more of this. (And where does the comma go? And what punctuation mark should the second comma in the tweet actually be? You have options.)

Ooh, delicious.

I don't know how true this is, but I know we need a hyphen. Where and why?


Spelling, capitalization, a malapropism, and more capitalization.

Good luck with that multilingual Army of Europe. And add a goddamn period, Jack.

They don't really know what they're saying, little girl. (And where does the hyphen go?)

Time for a picnic!

I'm too old and unhealthy to fantasize about heroism these days.

The flea got away safely.

I always think of "Yeah, no, yeah" as an Ozzie Man thing.

But was it, really?

And allergic people have fur and boogers in their nose. I love pets, but I'm slightly allergic.


Amen. But we're not done with those prosecutors yet, for we have lots of questions.

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