Tuesday, March 25, 2025


MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying), call AMM (aide médicale à mourir) in québecois

Can the Great Border Shutting be far behind?

naughty, naughty

They divorced yet? Never marry crazy, Bianca, no matter how rich he is. (Guys: you, neither.)


Morgan Freeman... never trust it when he makes un-PC statements. He's a leftie.

Phrasal adjective needs a hyphen. (Funny how they remembered to hyphenate in the headline.)

1st paragraph: 2 commas. 2nd paragraph: UK punctuation, comma, comma, comma splice, comma, Oxford comma. Basically, a lot of commas. I'm beginning to think 90% of Americans' problems when they write come down to commas.

Hmmm... why is that?

Evel Knievel!!!

More like two months now. Do you still feel the same way?

"The Matrix" was more conservative than we knew. (Not.)

from a few weeks back... and always over-capitalizing

Nail the previous administration to the wall.

Wiser words were never spoken by a fictional character.

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