Saturday, March 22, 2025


Capitalize Constitution. I hate to say it, but "regular" contradicts "from time to time," although I guess the statement could be made regularly put published only at random intervals.

I'm not above rubbing it in.


Where does the comma go? And the period?

As I've written multiple times, I'm really not a fan of wind. Or solar. Not yet, anyway.


"...started its registration drive." It's only one party.

All they know how to do is double down. The Dems are, at this point, the backfire effect writ large.

Well, genius, vinegar and lemon juice are acids while baking soda is a base, so...

This is what awaits me in hell. Ease my pain by correcting... everything.

I do hope to hear about GOP shenanigans, too.

Also known as the Bird of Convenient Coincidence.

She got doxxed, but she's rallied. (Correct the singular they. Take out the comma in her final sentence.)

Punctuate correctly.

I wonder how he replied to this. Oh, and correct his English.

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