Dégueulasse is the French slang term for "disgusting" (in regular French, that would be dégoûtant, etymologically related to "distasteful"—goût means "taste," like the Latin root gust in the English disgusting; see also words and expressions like the Spanish mucho gusto, the English with gusto, and the French term for a wine tasting: une dégustation). A gueule is an animal's mouth. The dé come from the preposition de, meaning "of or from." What comes from the mouth in a moment of disgust? Why, vomit, of course! So, broken down into its component parts, dégueulasse implies that something is vomitous or vomit-inducing (same thing, basically). The French often shorten dégueulasse into dégueu, but some French-speakers go even shorter with dég (which can also mean "disgusted").
Prediction: "Snow White" will make a lot of cash in its first couple of days, mainly thanks to hate-watchers and those made morbidly curious about the movie by all of the rightie-critic hatred of Zegler and the filmmakers who made all of those woke choices in crafting the film. After a couple days, though, there will be a huge plunge in viewership, and the film will become yet another flopbuster. Rachael Zegler, truly dég with her stupid and uncontrollable mouth, will have been the author of that destruction. Even woke Gal Gadot can't stand Zegler. To her credit, Zegler is a genuinely talented singer, but her off-camera shenanigans have made her toxic enough to supplant Brie Larson as the new bitch queen of Hollywood.
And she's not even that pretty, what with her eyes and nose bridge forming that caved-in-with-a-baseball-bat look. Yeah, I know—I'm mean, and I have no right to talk given my own looks. Don't change the subject and stop with the tu quoque fallacy.
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