Wednesday, January 03, 2018

I think it's time to write that review, ja?

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" has been out for a couple weeks, now, and it's generated plenty of fanboy controversy. Sometime over the next few days, I'll be writing a massive review of the movie, so expect some major verbiage soon. Just a heads-up: this likely won't be a regular review; it'll be more along the lines of a meditation on the movie, the controversy surrounding it, and the concepts the story explores—especially as relates to the expansion of the theology of the Force, an issue that is catnip for a former religious-studies student like me who is also, to some small degree, a Star Wars fanboy himself.


  1. Looking forward to reading this.

    I'm of a divided mind on this film, to be honest. There were definitely things that I enjoyed, but there were also things that really frustrated me. And the more I think about the film, the more frustrated I become.

  2. "Frustrated" is exactly the emotion I was feeling about certain aspects of the movie. But I think I'm going through a stages-of-grief sort of thing, and I've reached the "acceptance" phase regarding parts of the story we've been given.

  3. I have determined that the franchise is no longer "my" story. The storytelling has progressed away from my visions and interests. It now belongs to younger generations who are not hung-up on the mythology of old. I enjoyed in a very passive sense the film. But left ready to forget it and just go about my merry way. Other than Rogue One, which was excellent and shows the potential for storytelling within the Star Wars framework, I think I'll just go on believing that the stories ended years ago...



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