Monday, March 19, 2018

eef you speakah zee Fraintch, zen zees eez pweetee fawnee

Seen at Costco.


  1. The dangers of heedlessly mixing French and English...

  2. Steve,

    I'm guessing you're being tongue-in-cheek, but when I blow up the image, I see a "wear-stain remover," an ear cleaner, and a teeth-cleaner. (I assume that's "wear stain" and not "tear stain," "bear stain," "fear stain," or any other "-ear stain." Of course, I'm not sure what "wear stain" actually means, so maybe it's something else. Year stains? The stain of years?)

  3. On second thought, maybe that word is indeed "tearstain" [sic], incorrectly written as a closed compound instead of as two words. Pets' eyes can water, and that water can stain the fur around the eyes, I guess.



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