Saturday, September 23, 2023

Dave Portnoy vs. The Washington Post—what a shit-show

I know of Dave Portnoy only vaguely. His pizza-review videos have popped up in my YouTube algorithmic-suggestions list, and I may have watched a couple of his YouTube Shorts. Portnoy sits at the periphery of my consciousness. But Instapundit recently put Portnoy front and center when the man confronted, over the phone, a Washington Post reporter who had essentially smeared him under the guise of "asking questions" for a large event—Pizzafest—that Portnoy was hosting with the help of sponsors. The Post reporter was basically trying to get Portnoy's sponsors to boycott him by calling Portnoy "misogynistic" and "problematic." In the awkward and uncomfortable phone call shown below (which Portnoy of course recorded), we can listen to the Post reporter try to squirm her way out from under the accusation that she was trying to ruin Portnoy's event by badmouthing him. It puts the Washington Post's hypocrisy on full display. What an absolute garbage newspaper.

Here's a short video of Dave reviewing a pizzeria in Maine:

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