Saturday, September 30, 2023

so I finish the month with a whimper after 90% bang

I've been at the office for a couple hours, eating chili hot-dog leftovers, apple pie, and chocolate pie. (I'm at the office to get a head start on some proofreading.) My site-visit stats, all month, were mostly above the 2K/day mark, but over the last week, right before this attempted "test" walk and up to now, visits have plummeted to under 300 per day.

9/24: 1852 views
9/25: 1728 views
9/26: 1725 views
9/27: 1086 views
9/28: 930 views
9/29: 330 views
9/30 (today so far): 170 views

It's a bit like watching the Wicked Witch of the West shrinking and shriveling after she gets water thrown on her: Oh, what a world! What a world!

No matter: September has been a banner month at over 69.5K views (I don't think we're going to make 70K). I can't remember the last time my stats were up that high, but I suspect October is going to be pretty meager, stats-wise, especially once I start the walk in earnest. I might be finishing the current month on a quiet note, but this was a hell of a ride.

I'll be leaving the office around 9:30 p.m. Sunday will be devoted to rest and writing a movie review or two, to be schedule-posted during the walk while I'm gone and blogging elsewhere.


  1. Not sure how granular blogspot stats are, but does it show you the duration of each visit?

    The hosting company for my domain shows length of each visit (o-30 sec, 30 sec - 2 min, 2 min - 5 min, etc.).

    Since my webpage is not active, 99% of the visits are 30 sec or less, obviously spiders or bots.


  2. Blogspot's site meter doesn't include "stickiness" stats. I'd like to see those myself. Back when I used SiteMeter to track stats, I think my stickiness average was around two minutes. But that was years ago.



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