Monday, June 24, 2024


So! After all that fried food I'd eaten yesterday, I tested my fasting blood sugar today, and: it's 109. Not ideal (it should be below 90, ideally), but pretty low for a diabetic. In other words, the protein-powder crust kinda worked. Today's blood pressure was 126/73, which is slightly high for the systolic. Weight remains frustratingly at 117 kg, which means I need to both walk/exercise more and cut back on the calories. I've been hovering in the 115-117-kilo range since late May; weight loss has been disappointing. (For the moment, I'd really like to break the 110-kilo barrier; my eventual goal weight is about 90 kg.) Pulse-ox is 97%, and pulse rate is 65, all thanks to my meds. To get these numbers naturally, I'd basically have to undergo boot-camp training, but I'm too old and lazy for that. I can hear my inner David Goggins yelling at me that I'm a worthless pussy for thinking this way.


  1. Forget the naysayers. Numbers look good. And at our age, we need all the help we can get from exogenous molecules. No heart pain equals no problem, in my humble opinion. Weight loss takes time. Go easy on yourself!

  2. Yeah, I forgot to mention that: I did a short walk Saturday night before the rain became too much, and there was no pain at all. How long can this last? I'm walking a 9K route tonight, so I guess I'll know soon enough.



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