Wednesday, June 19, 2024

what the shit is this?

Security-camera footage of a horrific event that can't be labeled an "accident": a woman is pushing a baby stroller along a street; she obviously sees a car approaching, and she moves off to the side to make room; the car comes into view and quite deliberately plows into her and her baby. The view switches to a different camera and a different angle: the car is trying to get away, but an oncoming truck swerves into its path, causing a head-on collision and ensuring the criminal won't be getting away. A comment to the video provides a bit of context:

Driver was 16yo, on probation for poisoning a girl, car was stolen. He tried to kill that woman and her child. He was sentenced to 5 months in a youth camp, and his record will be expunged when he turns 18. His name is protected so no one will be able to be aware of this predator who has just gotten away with attempted murder for the second and third times.

That doesn't bolster my faith in the American "justice" system. As you see in the video, the stroller-pushing woman seems either unhurt or buoyed by shock and adrenaline: she gets right back up after being hit and checks on her kid. Lots of comments express admiration for her fortitude and maternal instincts.

Another comment offers a different, and slightly contradictory, update:

The driver of the stolen car was 15. The California court only gave him 7 months for the attempted double homicide. He was shot dead in an unrelated incident a year later. This is what being soft on crime does to a society.

Other updates note the mom and baby are doing fine. These updates also confirm the offending driver was shot dead a year or two later. At least he's off the streets, and I have one more reason never again to live in a large American city.

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