Thursday, June 27, 2024

a dose of Heaver

Reform UK in the spotlight:

Farage and Reform poised for a takeover in the UK:

In France, it's Marine LePen's Rassemblement National party making gains:

The European right is on the rise. Don't make the mistake of turning into Jesus freaks.


Charles said...

I have no idea what those videos are saying (for some reason, YT is being funny these days and all your video links usually end up broken for me), but I am skeptical of the idea of a Reform "takeover"--unless by that they mean that Reform will win a higher vote share than the Tories, which is likely to happen. But this is going to be a landslide victory for Labour, even though nobody has any idea who Keir Starmer is or what he stands for.

Kevin Kim said...

Yeah, it's more like a takeover of the conservatives, who have shirked their ideological duty for several prime ministers.

If you could see the videos, you'd see that Heaver shows graphs that clearly show Labour well in front, but with Reform ahead of the Tories.

daeguowl said...

Farage is an awful, awful man and his party are a bunch of avowed racists. I expect the Reform Party to get a lot of votes (primarily protest votes from disenchanted Tories), but I doubt that will translate into more than a handful of seats. He's just too incendiary to be palatable to the average man on the street.

Kevin Kim said...

Terms like "racist" and "bigot" are yawners at this point, tossed around by the left willy-nilly, draining the terms of any impact. This post is relevant.

Wasn't the "average man on the street" responsible for Brexit? God bless the average man! There's nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your own culture. Note how Koreans—who are often at great pains to seem open and modern and globalized and politically correct—will immediately close ranks if a foreigner loudly criticizes the culture. This is a natural reflex. Sure, it can go too far, but it's an understandable urge.