Saturday, June 22, 2024

to sift or not to sift?

I'm not the biggest fan of sifting flour, but plenty of cooks and chefs swear by the method. I find it tedious and time-consuming, and if I need "fluffy" flour for some recipe, I'll take a whisk, plunge it into the flour bag, gently agitate the flour for a second, then scoop out what I need. Also: when flour is put in a bowl with lots of other dry ingredients, you end up stirring all of those ingredients together, usually with a whisk, and that motion tends to "fluff" the flour as well, in which case... why bother with sifting at all? So imagine how happy I was to find out that Chef Andy also doesn't normally bother to sift his flour. That link is to the exact moment he talks about sifting, but feel free to watch the full vid below:

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