Tuesday, March 18, 2025

wow, the chain of logic

Brave Hunter, He Who Confronts the Consequences of His Actions, skedaddled off to South Africa. The comments below this are something to think about. 

  • We have no extradition treaty with South Africa. No wonder Hunter fled there and Trump withdrew SS protection.
  • That, and his current wife is an Afrikaner.
  • Let us all stop and ponder who marries Hunter Effing Biden.
  • He's going to apply for asylum, most likely. SA is going to love giving it to him.
  • Well, he's a white guy with money. They'll treat him like a WWII German Jew within a year or two at most.
  • South Africa is a dangerous place. Anything could happen to a guy down there. Oh, well.

Can Hunter be extradited and brought back in cuffs? He hasn't been officially accused of forgery yet, has he?

1 comment:

  1. Just leave him there. He'll be begging to come home soon. But yeah, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he or Dr. Jill did the signing. Proving it will likely be a bitch, though.



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