Saturday, December 31, 2005

why I want to own property

It's never been a strong urge. I'm content to rent. But today, my buddy Tam Gu Ja sent me a link to this BBC article: 100 Things We Didn't Know This Time Last Year, and now I want-- badly-- to own property. My favorite item in that list, and the source of my new desire, is #81:

George Bernard Shaw named his shed after the UK capital so that when visitors called they could be told he was away in London.

For this reason, I must own a house with a large back yard, on which I'll build a smaller retreat for when I'm craving peace and quiet. The house-ling will be big enough to have all the accoutrements found in a studio apartment: a bed, a good bit of open floor space, a full bathroom, a kitchenette, and a lot of closet space.

I'll call it Fiji. Or maybe... 14th Street. DC residents will know what I'm talking about.


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