Wednesday, August 03, 2011


It's 9AM as I type this, but I've set this post to appear at lunchtime for the US East Coast crowd. These two YouTube vids ought to improve your appetite and enhance your dining experience:

1. Big Sis removes Little Sis's tonsil stones.

2. A Chinese man whose entire left cheekbone region appears to contain one huge pimple.

I originally sent these video links to a friend of mine. Enjoy.



  1. okay, i cant eat my dinner now, thanks to these two videos.

  2. Caught this just as I was heading for lunch. Thanks so much.

  3. From my perspective...

    You need photos of happy, smiling successsful students...and lots of them. Not so many words- keep it simple. Not much about yourself unless academically. Brief bios of students you have tutored and how well they have done + photos. Kill the background and replace it with "an image of success" or a montage of exam logos.

    Basically, take what you've done and cull 70-90%.

    People are going to pay you if they can visualise their little sprog in the same position as the images and bios on the site - they really don't care about who you are. :)

  4. I found the related video: Satan's Cheese to be simply sublime. :)

  5. PS: The video of the pimple popping... wtf? Is that guy on steroids or a drug addict? My money is on one or the other as the root cause of the plethora o'pustules!



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