Tuesday, February 16, 2016


If you're curious about what Lig looks like, and frustrated because she won't let me upload any photos of her onto the blog, watch this chick, who is almost Lig's spitting image. I've linked to Luna before; the link I just gave you is to one of my favorite vids. She's got an album now, Luna does, and I'm thinking about buying it. She's talented and original, and because she looks like A Certain Lady, she's also quite sexy.



  1. Last night, I dreamed that you and Lig were out on a late-night walk, and the night was so dark that you lost contact, and you somehow took the hand of the wrong woman, but the two of you had such a wonderful conversation that you fell in love with each other, sight unseen, till you emerged on a lighted street, still hand in hand, and there also stood Lig, so you dropped the woman's hand, and she walked away, but so did Lig, and you wondered then why you hadn't at least given the new woman your card, but the next day, the new woman showed up at your place, having somehow determined where you lived . . . and I then woke up.

    I hope my dream doesn't cause you any problems with Lig.

    Jeffery Hodges

    * * *

  2. Well, unlike Jeffrey I didn't dream of you. But I enjoyed the video and thought to myself that Kevin is a lucky man if Lig is even half as pretty and half as talented...

  3. John, Jeff is just creepy sometimes.

    I went to Luna's Patreon site. There's a video there, in which she talks about her music and makes a pitch for "patronage" (Patreon is a crowdfunding site for artists). In that video, it's clear that Luna doesn't resemble Lig quite as closely as I'd thought. Luna's still cute, but her nose is bigger and her voice is way higher than Lig's. Lig is still discovering her talents, I think, but she's got the three basic qualities any man would want: she's smart, she's kind, and she's beautiful. She's also pretty damn funny.

  4. I really did dream that . . . so I might be totally 'creepy' . . . yuck.

    Jeffery Hodges

    * * *

  5. I didn't really see the resemblance, to be honest.

  6. Charles,

    Not much of a resemblance up close, but from afar, Luna and Lig do seem almost like sisters. (Old pic of Lig. Look at the 7th picture and compare with Luna on YouTube.)



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