Friday, November 25, 2016

the slow cook

Watch this space, as I have a ton of photos to upload. Or, if you want to see the photos now, go visit my Twitter feed, and you'll see all of them there. Remember that, as with regular blogging, Twitter's "tweets" (the microblogging equivalent of blog posts) are arranged with the most recent at the top of the queue, so to start my Thanksgiving story from the beginning, you'll need to scroll down my Twitter timeline to where I began talking about "live-tweeting" my Thanksgiving meal preparations. (You can also see my tweets right here by looking at my blog's right-hand sidebar, where there's a Twitter feed.)

The meal took me seven hours to prep, but it was fun, and it was worth it. I think I learned a few lessons along the way (including Never live-tweet again!); I'm now better at handling Vietnamese rice-paper rolls, for one thing. My mini-turducken tasted great, but I need to work on technique and presentation. It was a brave first try; everything else came out fantastic: the stuffing is to die for; the corn pudding is addictive; the steamed carrots are tasty; the Hasselback potatoes are more delicious than they have any right to be; the choux aux marrons is even better than when I made it last time; the cranberry sauce is a thing of beauty.

Photos coming.


  1. Seven hours?! Well, as long as it was worth it!

  2. C,

    It was. But it was tiring. Some of these dishes were meals in themselves.

  3. saw the pic of the creamed corn pudding. youre creaming the corn itself in a blender, no cans of creamed corn! ive been using a recipe that calls for like 3 cans of corn + a box of jiffy mix and im ready to try something different. can you share / link to your recipe??

  4. Hahna,

    The YouTube video is here. In the video's description, there's a link to the recipe, but the prep instructions aren't complete. You'll need to watch the video to see the whole procedure (e.g., holding the heavy cream back so as not to churn it into butter when you put all the ingredients in the blender).



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