Friday, January 14, 2022

a Babylon Bee misstep

The Babylon Bee steps in it with a satirical article that sounds as if it's blaming conservatives for not fighting to take back lost territory:

Conservatives Boldly Fight Leftist Takeover Of Their States By Running Away To Other States

I originally saw the link to the above article on YouTube. Here are some of the first comments below the YouTube post where that link appeared. A lot of conservatives disagree with this characterization of their behavior (edited for form and style):

The liberty and safety of our children [are] more important than trying to smarten up a bunch of dummies.

You can't convert a prison into a free state when most of the prisoners voted for the warden. All you can do is escape, move to a free zone, and build walls to keep prison-minded people out.

You're all very welcome in our safe havens! Just remember to vote, but not like a jackass, which means you leave complacency behind. Your previous police states didn't get that way on accident. Freedom is never free.

Leaving is the only way. Let the state crumble to the point of desperation. That’s the right time to move back. Not before.

I imagine that one gets tired, after a while, of fighting a losing battle and wishes to leave the fray. If not for his own comfort and safety, then for that of his family.

When you're severely outnumbered and surrounded by the enemy, finding real synergy with patriots is essential.

If you are a liberal from a conservative state, you may want to test your leanings out by moving to a liberal state. Most of you will find out real soon that you may be more of a centrist than a liberal.

Been stationed in California for the last three years; just got out of the military and moving back to the United States next week. I'm so excited!

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