Friday, January 14, 2022

why "Spider-Man: No Way Home" sucks: the heterodox opinion

I spoiled "Spider-Man: No Way Home" for myself long ago by watching all sorts of commentaries, but this is the first thoroughly negative review of the movie I've seen:

To me, it sounds as if the movie's premise is extremely flawed: Peter Parker, through his own selfishness, is essentially the cause of a multiverse-level rip that allows a few villains to spill into his universe from other, alternate universes (why only villains, and why only these few? read my rantlet about what happens, narratively and metaphysically, when you introduce a multiverse into your story). Dr. Strange, through his arrogance, stupidly agrees to perform the spell that is supposed to make Peter's friends, relatives, and enemies forget he's Spider-Man. The entire story is built upon this ethical house of cards, so to enjoy the story, you basically have to turn your brain off. Not that that's anything new, especially with Marvel movies, so I guess the real question is what level of goofiness and implausibility you'll tolerate.


  1. Haven't watched the video yet, but your summary sounds like why--or at least one of the reasons why--I disliked this film.

    There were other reasons as well, but who knows if I will ever get around to writing my own review. I haven't been feeling particularly motivated to do so these days.

  2. Well, you're still sorting yourself out after a major move, and you've got your non-teaching-related uni work to do, along with your teaching-related work, so I won't hold out hope for a review anytime soon.



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