Tuesday, January 11, 2022

quote of the day, aimed at folks like me

Seen on Instapundit:

It may be not a little ghoulish to celebrate or exult in the deaths of vaccine opponents. And it may be proper to express sympathy and solicitude to those they leave behind.

But mockery is not necessarily the wrong reaction to those who publicly mocked anti-COVID measures and encouraged others to follow suit before they perished of the disease the dangers of which they belittled.

Nor is it wrong to deny them our sympathy and solicitude, or to make sure it’s known when their deaths are marked that they had stood fast against measures that might have protected others from the fate they succumbed to themselves.

There may be no other way to make sure that the lessons of these teachable moments are heard.

—Michael Hiltzik 

This is the kind of person we're up against. I started off not being particularly anti-vaxx, but after all I've learned, and after being exposed to the attitude of people like Hiltzik, I'd say I'm becoming fairly anti-vaxx now. As the guy said, if you're given a measles vaccine, and you then get the measles, something's not right.

Of course, Hiltzik is just another leftie hypocrite:

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