Monday, January 31, 2022

possible (probable) cover design

Too abstract? Off-putting in some way? Silhouette's head needs to be more masculine? Doesn't convey message? Let me know what you think in the comments section.

This is the first image that would pop up on a Kindle screen. They say first impressions matter. I had originally wanted to go with something humorous, like my alien character with an apple popping out of its head, but I realized no one would get the joke. I thought of using a clip-art silhouette but decided that would be too clip-art-y. I had to decide whether to go with a male or female silhouette and settled on male for no particular reason, although a politically correct part of my mind whispered that using a female to represent a teacher might be interpreted by some as sexist (although some will say the same about using a male silhouette—when it comes to oversensitive twats, you can't win).

So, yeah, lemme know what you think. And even after I publish the book, I can still go back and change the cover art if one of you has a good suggestion for a better design.


  1. No issue with the graphic. My first thought on the title was, "nope, that's why I want to homeschool so my kids won't grow up to be indoctrinated like a teacher." Of course, not all teachers are like the CRT activists, but I am guessing your target audience may see teachers as a big part of the failure of public schools. That's my two cents anyway.

  2. Well, since the entire book is about the basic principles of teaching, what would you suggest as an alternate title? Homeschooling means teaching at home, so how does one do that without thinking like a teacher?

  3. Teaching Like A Thinker.

    Seriously, I'm sure your title is fine as most people will likely not read more into it than you intended.

    Heh, I just channeled that old Crosby, Stills, and Nash tune--Teach Your Children. That works!

    Anyway, good luck with the book. The timing is right!

  4. "Teach Your Children Well" was the very first title I thought of, but I immediately knew it would be the title for tons of homeschooling-related material. A quick check on Google, and sure enough, everyone was already using it. I like "Teach(ing) Like a Thinker" as a suggestion. Will consider it.



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