Sunday, April 30, 2023


Little Girl always gets her way.

If you can name the word that that's supposed to be, I'll respect you in the morning and give you cab fare.

Netflix race-swapping memes are popular these days. Did you see the one for Elon Musk?

Netflix is getting a lot of shit for its show about Cleopatra, which stars a black actress. Cleopatra, by all legitimate accounts, wasn't black. She may have been at least partly Greek, and many old artistic representations of her make her out to be, well, white-looking.


  1. All these boys dressing up like women reminds me of those sad days of blackface. Future generations will look back and mock the ignorance of our culture.

    Heh, I just looked at the Musk image you linked, which seems to make the point I did above. At least Musk is from Africa, though.

  2. Charles,

    In this situation, Tom would say, "I think I just came." Let me clean up and give you your cab fare.



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