Tuesday, April 25, 2023

toe update

After a day of wearing my mutilated sandal with bandage and silicone toe cap:

juste une seule goutte (just a single drop)

The above pic shows some callus (it's not as thick as it looks), and the wound does seem to be closing up. I'm seeing the doc again this Friday to get myself checked after a month of diabetes meds and a week of foot meds, so I'll be curious to hear what he has to say. At a guess: we'll continue with the course of treatment I'm on, and I'll be prescribed maybe three months' worth of diabetes meds and maybe a few weeks' worth of foot meds. At some point, I'll also need to be prescribed some more wound-healing cream, but that's not for a couple months.

I should put the above pics in perspective, though: I was wearing my mutilated sandal today, which takes a lot of pressure off the toe as I walk along (although the toe does still touch the filthy ground, hence the silicone toe cap to keep my bandage from getting dirty). When I wear my regular walking shoes, the bleeding/leaking is more robust, so we're not out of the woods yet. I'm definitely healing, but the leakage, despite being so much less than it was a month ago, is still significant. Now is the time for patience.

The leak actually serves an interesting function: it's Nature's way of telling me whether the wound is still open. So now, it's just a matter of monitoring the leakage, which I hope will dry up by sometime in the summer. Diabetic ulcers take a notoriously long time to heal, though, so it could be that I'll be walking on an ulcerated toe (slightly ulcerated) this fall, possibly undoing some of the healing. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.

1 comment:

  1. Slow and steady wins the race!

    Are you going back to the same doctor you saw last time?



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