Thursday, June 13, 2024

what if "Signs" were more like a spiritual parable?

Dave Cullen passes along a theory about the movie "Signs":

I've seen some people try to rescue and rehabilitate the work of M. Night Shyamalan. I'm not totally convinced. I enjoyed "The Sixth Sense" as well as his next film, "Unbreakable." I thought "Split" was pretty good, too, but its sequel "Glass" was disappointing. Shyamalan seemed to have turned into a one-trick pony: all of his movies had to include some kind of twist, often in the form of a shocking revelation. Once you come to expect such a thing, the expectation sucks all the suspense and enjoyment out of your viewing of the film. I haven't seen any other films in Shyamalan's oeuvre, but I've heard horrible things about some of them, like "Lady in the Water" and "The Happening," which both apparently suffered from cripplingly bad (and unintentionally hilarious) plot logic. But maybe I should give "Signs" another shot now that I know about this novel fan theory.

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