Monday, June 03, 2024

89 today

This morning's blood sugar was 89. I wonder how long I can keep this up. Only until Wednesday, I guess: I'm meeting Charles that day to go devour a burger and an awesome appetizer (we'll see whether I remember to take photos of the food this time). Thursday morning's blood sugar won't be very good, I'm sure. But I'll be fasting for most of Thursday (except for the morning smoothie), so Friday ought to be okay.

Something I figured out about smoothies: I'd been making them this way: a scoop of SlimFast, a wee spoonful of unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/4 cup of heavy cream mixed with 3/4 cup of low-fat milk (basically half-and-half), and 200 g of once-frozen-now-thawed strawberries. I'd been keeping the strawberries in their original bag and weighing them out every time, but a voice in my brain kept saying that this was stupid. I finally woke up, a week or so ago, and took a fresh bag of strawberries, blended them into a purée, discovered that 200 g is almost exactly a cup, and have been measuring out a cup of blended strawberries that way ever since. So much simpler than breaking out the kitchen scale every time.


  1. Those are some really great numbers and they're trending in the right direction. Enjoy that burger and the assorted sides. You earned it!

    Any particular reason you're using Slim Fast instead of say, whey isolate or pea protein? If it's for taste, I recommend the BSN Syntha 6 line of flavored proteins. Their mint-chocolate chip flavor rivals the ice cream from Baskin Robbins (many of their flavors are actually Cold Stone Creamery tie ups).

  2. Dr. Roy Taylor's book on the Newcastle diet says it doesn't matter which diet shake you choose: over the course of a day, the amount of sugar in the shake won't influence your numbers much: your max caloric intake is supposed to be 800. SlimFast just happens to be a shake I'm familiar with.

    Taylor's recommended pattern is: (1) a shake in the morning, (2) a light, salad-y lunch, and (3) a shake in the evening. I do both shakes in the morning as one 500-ml thing, then eat lunch. In theory, that's it for the day, but if I'm honest, I'll sneak a spoonful or two of almond butter at night to still the cravings. I need to stop that, but real intermittent fasting is hard.

    If BSN Syntha is available through Coupang, I'll give it a shot at some point, but as I wrote not long ago, once I'm out of SlimFast, I'm planning on switching to a more OMAD-diet format (which I'll undoubtedly violate as well).

  3. Found it on Coupang. A 2.59-pound bottle for W127,000??? That's a mite too expensive.

  4. That sounds incredible pricey. I got a 1.4 kilo chocolate peanut butter cookie (they taste just like Reese's cups) for 74,000 won (also from Coupang). How much does Slim Fast run you? (I'm a big fan and drank plenty of them back in college. Just not sure about the quality of protein sources included.) Two shakes and a salad sounds like it should maintain those impressive numbers. What does the almost butter taste like?

  5. 884-gram can of SlimFast runs me W33,000. Per kilo, that's W37,330.

    1.4 kg of chocolate peanut-butter cookie at W74,000 = W52,857 per kilo. Is it really that much better than SlimFast? (In any event, I seem to remember US prices for SlimFast being way cheaper.)

    Both of the above per-kilo prices are exorbitant. And W127,000 is simply above my pay grade.

    I'll search Coupang and see whether the same product is being sold at cheaper prices. That happens a lot on that platform.



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