Sunday, June 09, 2024

Don Lemon vs. Morgan Freeman

On a pedantic note: shutdown is a noun. Shut down is a phrasal verb. You don't "get shutdown," but you do "get shut down." This applies to all sorts of phrasal verbs and their noun forms: break down vs. breakdown, take off versus takeoff, etc. Quick quiz:

1. The _____ of Congress meant politicians had nothing to do.
a. shut down
b. shutdown

2. Your sink is going to _____ if you keep dumping crap into it.
a. back up
b. backup

3. "We need _____ !" yelled Officer Riggs.
a. back up
b. backup

4. It was a dinnertime _____ that traumatized the kids.
a. blow up
b. blowup

5. Let's look one more time at your _____ of the situation.
a. break down
b. breakdown

6. Our car tends to _____ every time we go on a long trip.
a. break down
b. breakdown

I hope there are no more fuckups.


  1. No quiz answers provided. Is that a fuckup?

  2. Leave your answers, and I'll score you.

  3. Basically: closed compound = noun; open compound = verb. Examples:
    breakup = noun
    break up = verb

  4. Damn, I did worse than I expected. One more pothole I'm liable to step in as I stroll down Grammar Road.



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