Wednesday, June 05, 2024

goddammit, I'm an idiot

I once again forgot to take photos of dinner at The Melting Pot (in the Seoul National University neighborhood) this evening. The appetizer and burgers came out, as did the extra order of fries (many thanks to Charles for ordering everything through the nifty touch screen at our table), and I just thoughtlessly, heedlessly chowed down. The appetizer, pulled-pork fries, was once again awesome, with the fries cooked to the ideal texture. For the main course, I had a different burger this time: it was the bleu-cheese-sauce burger with bacon added. Very messy, partly because it came out gently drizzled with honey. Charles went with a guacamole burger; he described the restaurant crew as "not shy with the guacamole," which oozed out of the burger's sides every time Charles took a bite. In all, these seemed to be messier burgers than last time, but they were still very good. Sorry about the lack of visuals, but I could at least take my satisfaction away with me. I ended up being too full for dessert, but I did end up buying some snacks once I was back at my place. I return to the discipline tomorrow.


  1. I was going to remind you, but I forgot, too. So we're both idiots.

    It was good times nonetheless.

  2. You realize this only gets worse as we get older. In a few years, I'll be walking around in the simplest clothes a senile man can wear: robes and diapers.

  3. I look forward to future toga parties.



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