Saturday, June 15, 2024

how far have we come since June 6?

On June 6, the following video came out:

"Going down hard" is a phrase better applied to Kamala Harris, you'd think, but I don't see Hunter Biden suffering much in the way of consequences for his many, many misdeeds. Styx even says he's sympathetic with Hunter about the gun charges because of Styx's pro-2A stance: cokeheads should be allowed to have guns! I don't know whether my own take on the Second Amendment goes quite that far, but frankly, I'm happy to see any sort of lawfare being done against the Bidens. Of course, if it were up to me, there'd be a long line of corpses along the streets of DC, all swinging from lampposts and ranging from the Bidens (Joe, Jill, Hunter) to Nancy Pelosi to Chuck Schumer to Adam Schiff to... ad infinitum. My "prediction," made as I'm writing this on June 8, 2024, is that Hunter will end up suffering nothing when all is said and done. Because that's how the wheels of "justice" turn these days. Change my mind.

UPDATE: as noted earlier, Hunter Biden was found guilty on all three felony counts against him, but there's a good chance that he won't serve a single day in prison, anyway. This has nothing to do with his being Joe Biden's son and more to do with how this sort of case tends to be handled. There's also the appeals process to look forward to.

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