Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I'll do my part to spread this far and wide

Finally, it all starts to come out! Andrew Cuomo is a mass murderer. His testimony hasn't happened yet, but it soon will. I expect him to do everything he can to avoid responsibility for what he did, killing thousands upon thousands of seniors.


[Andrew] Cuomo finally forced to tell whole truth about COVID-19 decisions that cost thousands of lives
Congress to [hear] Cuomo's testimony on how New York forced COVID-19 patients into nursing homes

"For the life of me, I can’t understand why anyone would take a COVID positive patient and put them in a nursing home where, you know, that’s medical malpractice in my mind, and that is a decision I can’t understand…I’m not a lawyer. It’s not necessarily about criminal liability, etc., but if we don’t actually know the truth, we can’t actually help you find closure."

—Representative Ami Bera, M.D. (D-Ca.), former Chief Medical Officer of Sacramento County May 17, 2023, hearing for the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Last year, I appeared before Congress at a hearing in Washington, D.C., to talk about how my family and thousands of others in New York lost loved ones to COVID-19 after they contracted the disease in nursing homes.

Tuesday, June 11, will be the most important moment we have had when it comes to our fight for answers and accountability. It will be the first time that our former disgraced governor will sit down and be questioned under oath about his deadly decisions that we believe led to their preventable deaths. That will occur when former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo appears in front of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

[ ... ]

It doesn’t take a virologist to figure out that putting a highly contagious airborne virus into nursing homes would be a death trap. Interestingly, on June 3, there was a Harvard research paper released (the first of its kind) that studied the "Clinical Outcomes After Admission of Patients With COVID-19 to Skilled Nursing Facilities." Its conclusion stated:

"That admission of COVID-19–positive patients into SNFs early in the pandemic was associated with preventable COVID-19 cases and mortality among residents."

Even Cuomo knew that allowing COVID patients into a nursing home would be a recipe for disaster. One of his most memorable quotes in the early stages of the pandemic was when he addressed the importance of protecting nursing home residents, and said the virus, if allowed into their facilities, would spread like "fire through dry grass."

We have our suspicions about who was behind the March 25 directive (and we’re confident it wasn’t written by doctors), but the truth won’t come out unless there is a full investigation with access to all state documents, electronic messages and most importantly subpoena power which has never happened until now. 

And the other major point that needs to be addressed is why Cuomo and his staff went to such great lengths to cover up the death toll (by the thousands) and (still) continue to lie about it[.] Did it have anything to do with his $5.2-million book deal that was auctioned off to the highest bidder?   

Read the rest. If it were up to me, Cuomo would be strung up and eviscerated, with his entrails taken out and roasted while still attached to him.

ADDENDUM: one spicy comment to this at Instapundit:

Why should I care about a [blue-state] Yankee governor killing the idiots who elected him?

Damn, dude. No sympathy for the aged.

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