Wednesday, June 12, 2024

implications of the Hunter Biden decision

Is all of this Hunter Biden stuff a distraction? An exploration of implications and injustices:

Watch especially what Vivek Ramaswamy has to say. Oh, and Biden has explicitly said he won't pardon his son. We'll see how long that lasts.

UPDATE: more suspicion (and herehere) that this whole thing is an attempt to make Democrats look fair. My take: I think we should take the W, minor as it is. Hunter probably won't serve time (though he deserves to be hung from the ceiling and ass-raped by lepers); there's a chance his dad might pardon him (despite what Old Joe said); Democrats will keep on with their shenanigans. Not much will change because of this, and many on both sides will have forgotten by this by November.

UPDATE 2: This fake statement attributed to Trump was funny, though:

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